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  • Trending for Spring 2018 ... fashion babies
Trending for Spring 2018 ... fashion babies

We’ve been sitting on spring 2018 style for a while now. We were just about ready to burst. With snow in mid-April it felt a little too much like dangling a carrot out of reach to showcase sun-fun trends. Finally, vitamin D will be plentiful and we are about to hit the double digits, bye-bye baby parka, hello beachy babes!

Spring and Summer Baby Fashion by Bonjour Baby Baby Baskets

Who better than a Californian to bring the laid-back vibe to mild weather threads.  In true west coast fashion, none of the colours are too flash. Warmer temperatures call for mellow hues, and soft airy shapes.  Rylee and Cru's founder, Kelly Murray is an illustrator that delivers subtle patterns to enhance the soft boho cuts and colours.  Take a second look, you’ll be wishing the overalls, rompers, shirts, - and who are we kidding, the entire collection- came in grown-up sizes. For real.

Rylee and Cru Summer Romper at Bonjour Baby Baskets

The trend of capsule closets persists.  And for good reason. Enter the baby version in Huxbaby’s sustainability focused, organic cotton, collection.  Geared towards the parent in a rush, or the parents that just needs the baby ‘look’ to gel without giving it much thought. Everything matches in black, white, and grey, including all the super cute patterns. TurtleDove London, offers a similar minimalist take with an added moss colour for a neutral, and whimsical details like pockets and slivers of stripes.  Sweet patterns and illustrated prints compliment one another in easily paired tops and bottoms. For the parent for whom the provenance matters more than the trimmings, these two designers are the answer. Stick your hand in the laundry basket and truly, everything goes with everything in a super stylin’ way. 

A classic is a classic for a reason.  The quality is deemed outstanding overtime.  The design remains inspirational and somehow fresh year in, year out.  Petit Bateau is known for their soft cotton, perfected for baby’s skin over an 120 year weaving history.  The cut, like the kimono onesie, has been copied by everyone. The prints never seem outdated and remain always tasteful: from spring florets, to full blown blooms, from the happiest of blues, to the softest of solids.  None of it overpowers your baby and all of it is trés chic and durable.

Happy Spring lovelies!


  • Susana Goldin-Douaire
  • Babybaby basketsluxury baby giftsluxury baby productssmall business

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