We are so honoured to have been featured in Cool Mom Picks best Baby Shower Gift Guide for 2016!!
Thank you so much, Cool Mom Picks!!
Lots of great ideas mamas! Check their post here
We are SO excited that our Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Guide is back by popular demand, this year with over 175 cool baby shower gift ideas, so many from the small brands we love to support. These aren’t the your average, basic (admittedly) boring registry essentials -- more like the fun finds that can really make those early days and months easier, more stylish, more organized, and more enjoyable if only in small ways.
And we are absolutely pleased to present our 2016 Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Guide on behalf of one of our very favorite baby brands, Baby Brezza, whose products are, in fact, must-haves for so many new parents we know. Their four mealtime lifesavers seriously make feeding, cooking, and cleaning up super easy -- as in, push-of-a-button easy -- so new parents can focus on other things. Like that sweet baby of yours. And sleep.
Okay, maybe just the baby.
And we are absolutely pleased to present our 2016 Ultimate Baby Shower Gift Guide on behalf of one of our very favorite baby brands, Baby Brezza, whose products are, in fact, must-haves for so many new parents we know. Their four mealtime lifesavers seriously make feeding, cooking, and cleaning up super easy -- as in, push-of-a-button easy -- so new parents can focus on other things. Like that sweet baby of yours. And sleep.
Okay, maybe just the baby.
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