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  • Step by Step
Step by Step

These boots, baby, were not meant for walking. It is a mild source of contention in baby world - to boot or not to boot your bébé? We think both! Let us be clear, when indoors playing, one hundred percent keep baby’s feet free. Their bones are still soft and developing so baby should go au natural while bouncing on your knees. Let them stretch those toes and build those arches.  Let them push-off and crawl.  These are all developmentally important. They need to learn movement, the feel of different textured surfaces, and balance. Those cute pudgy feet should not be restricted.

You might be asking, why then, are we at Bonjour Baby Baskets a purveyor of fine baby footwear? Simple, because the climate calls for outdoor protection. 

Once autumn hits, the air is cooler and it is fair to expect rainy walks ahead or during summer park visits bring those booties or sandals for the win. Little booties or soft sandals keep those chubby toes toasty and dry. When purchasing look for breathable materials like leather and canvas, flexible souls, and no skid traction. We love Boucher Baby Shoes on point wine coloured Britanics (an of the moment Clark-ish style), Donsje’s furry lined adorable booties, Minimoc and Amimoc classics, and Bloch’s rainbow of choice ballet flats. Avoid baby shoes with specialty features like extra straps or arch support. These bells and whistles hinder and restrict a tiny foot. Go natural and go classic, it not only looks cute but is also better for your little one.

Baby Shoes by Shoes Le Petit at Bonjour Baby Baskets

Soft Baby Sandals at Bonjour Baby Baskets - Best Baby Gifts

Baby Bunny Booties by Donsje at Bonjour Baby Baskets - Luxury Baby Gifts

One more thing: a cute shoe - as every lady knows- can make the outfit. When planning a family photo feel no shame in finding your baby her glass slipper.  After all, if the shoe fits...

Baby flats at Bonjour Baby Baskets

  • Susana Goldin-Douaire

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