  • The babe at the party
The babe at the party

Photo by Alasdair Elmes on Unsplash

Between finding a clean shirt and finding your parenting legs, we know the holiday party scene might feel like a bit much for new parents. A party, however, is just the thing to give you a much needed break.  True, it’s all about the baby, but we urge you to use this to your advantage  enjoyment.

Your extended family and colleagues are likely itching to congratulate you in person and to meet your little one. Brave these gatherings and you will find coworkers who are seasoned parents delighted to hold (with freshly washed hands) your baby, giving you the opportunity to make the rounds and converse about something other than sleep patterns. 

Do get dressed-up, but keep it unfussy, as you may need to feed and change your precious bundle. The same goes for the baby. Outfit your little one in party ready attire, but remember a happy baby is well fed, dry, and comfortable. Troubleshoot for the environment by bringing layers for the baby in case of a draft or alternately a warmer space due to a crowd. A change of clothes for you both is wise because... spit-up happens.  Incorporate a sling (the festive Potter & Pehar Baby Carrier Linen Gold Ring Sling in Edward) into your parent/baby ensemble, as babies are masters of napping, yes, even at parties. 

Rylee and Cru star dress with gingham bonnet

Paz Rodriguez knitted Baby Outfit

Baby Sling in linen baby blue

If your mama taught you right, you know that accessories can make an outfit. Check out our pretty patterned headbands and bows then peruse our baby shoe selection for some baby twinkle toes. Given the season, we recommend Amimoc’s baby leather Mocs with sheepskin in snowy white, or for girlie girls Shoes Le Petit’s Baby Lolita’s or the adorably chic Sonatina’s or Bloch’s sweet ballet flats.

Beautiful Baby Party Shoes

Timing is everything, and by now you probably know your baby’s exit cues. Thank your baby for the fun out–of-the-house adventure and for getting you to hightail it before the awkward dance moves begin. 

Are you ordering a baby gift basket during the holiday season? May we suggest you avoid overly themed purchases and instead focus on luxury baby gifts that don’t trade in quality for holiday pizzazz.  Ultimately, it is lovely to pick some sweet party threads for a sweet baby, but bonus points if they get continued use weeks after the festivities are done. 

Luxury Baby Gift Baskets featuring Paz Rodriguez

Designer Baby Girl Gift Basket

Petit Bateau Baby Gift Basket



  • Susana Goldin-Douaire

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