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  • Corporate Gifting : A Guide for Corporate Baby Gifts
Corporate Gifting : A Guide for Corporate Baby Gifts

Summertime and the living is easy...unless you’ve been tasked with gifting a baby basket for the company and you are uncertain how to execute that to everyone’s appeasement. July through to September are the busiest birth months of the year.  This means most PA’s and HR folks are kept busy trying to source a quality gift that is treasured by the receiver - often a colleague, though increasingly clients too - which makes your boss and colleagues look good. 

This is not as easy as that summer breeze.   If you do not personally know the receiver or are not a parent yourself, there’s added pressure to spending company funds. Several years ago I found myself in this exact position.  I repeatedly searched for congratulatory baby gifts on behalf of my employer. Trouble was, there was a lack of truly luxury corporate baby baskets and everything I found was not really up to part.  I decided to start this business to fill the void and ease the the way for future PA’S. And so my fourth baby, Bonjour Baby Baskets, was born.  Over the years we’ve garnered some advise we hope helps you through this summer’s baby boom:

1) Not too big, not too small, just the size of NYC...we are joking, however...The size of the gift both physical and monetary can matter.  City dwelling spaces are tight. The last thing you’d want is to inconvenience the new parents with a gift the size of the nursery dresser.  Always quality over quantity must prevail. 

2) Do be thoughtful but still keep in-line with the corporate culture. This holds true even if you are a tight knit team.  Go ahead and make the personal joke onesie on your own or as a wink-wink to the closeness you may share, but the company gift should maintain a certain decorum.  Practical and classy is the perfect combo for a perfect Corporate Baby Gift. 

3) Step away from the bling, the flashy, or a look that’s too much of anything.  Look for durable, quality pieces with a timeless aesthetic. Such pieces are sure to please both parents and the higher-ups.  We urge you to peruse our catalogue of designers and pre-made baskets to strike the right note. 

Unsure how to start? What to order? Do not hesitate to get in touch, after all, our raison d’être is to simplify this process. We love hearing from our clients!

  • Susana Goldin-Douaire
  • concept is super smartCorporate Baby GiftsGifting made easyluxury baby gift basketsnewborn giftssmall business

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