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  • Designer Feature: Laranjinha from Portugal with Love
Designer Feature: Laranjinha from Portugal with Love

That glorious but ephemeral transformation has arrived: the cherry blossoms are about to hit town. There’s no better time to go for a camera ready stroll.

We suggest clothing baby in the lovely Portuguese line Laranjinha. They are the baby clothing unit of the textile company Hall & CA, which means the raw materials are unbeatable. We are talking premium cotton that is soft and breathable but, which can hold up to the relentless laundry cycles of these early months. We especially love the attention to detail taken when it comes to stitching and button placement that never compromises on baby’s comfort or style. 

Baby wearing Laranjinha - Baby Gifts at Bonjour Baby Baskets

Luxury Baby Gift at Bonjour Baby Baskets - Corporate Gifting

Laranjinha is known for their traditional designs and overall elegance with a rotation of pastels for subtle seasonal changes. This spring - in a sidestep - the designers incorporated Liberty of London’s riotous bursts of flower printed cotton. But of course, in keeping with their classic aesthetic the flower power prints are used for details such as a shoulder frill here, a little side tie there. Even a full blouse is still delivered in their no-fuss silhouette making it feel more like a baby closet staple than a trend. These pieces are the height of quality and taste and will allow your precious one’s face to shine next to those blossoms with no fashion distraction. Go ahead get those shots before the moment passes. 

See more of our NEW collection of Spring and Summer Baby Gift Baskets including Laranjinha, here

Baby Gift Basket featuring Laranjinha at Bonjour Baby Baskets


  • Susana Goldin-Douaire
  • Babybaby basketsBaby RegistrybabygiftsCorporate Baby Giftsdesigner clothingmotherhoodnewborn giftsOne-Of-A-Kind baby GiftsReal Lifesmall business

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